Photography Courses

Neil is a photographic artist and lecturer with over 15 years of experience.

On his online courses, Neil will give extensive photography tuition while sharing his expertise, knowledge, and experience enabling participants to become better picture takers. This includes interactive online lectures, group and one-to-one instruction, demonstrations, feedback, and critiques of participants’ pictures. There is also a practical element with planned shoots, these will develop participants’ photographic skills and techniques.

The courses not only focus on technical aspects of capturing an image but the creative side too - how to develop your eye and make pictures your own. Neil’s passion and energy for photography are boundless and he likes to create a collaborative, fun, and relaxed environment. With small group sizes, participants always get personal attention along with plenty of time for feedback and guidance.

On completion of a course, we always encourage participants to keep in touch so we can help further develop their photographic work.


Start date – New dates coming soon

Tuesday Day time course 10am - 1pm / Evening course 630pm - 930pm

10-week course / 3 hours per week

Price: £145

This course is designed for those who know the basics of operating a camera. We will be looking deeper into composition, exploring various technical aspects and the importance of the usage of light. This course will also inspire and teach you to develop your photographic voice and the creativity of image-making. But, also it is for those who want to learn more about the necessary technical advanced settings.


Start date – New dates coming soon

10-week course / 3 hours per week

Thursdays 10am - 1pm

Price: £145

The aim of this course is to develop each participant’s photographic personal creative vision. We all see the world in our own unique way. Therefore, I will help you to discover how to translate your personal vision photographically. For that, a specific photographic project will be set with the goal of giving you a deeper understanding of the photographic practice, while unleashing your personal creativity.

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Online Personal Tutoring

Monday – Friday / 10pm – 5pm (Other times and dates can be organised on request)

1 Hour: £55

2 Hours: £95

One-to-one personal tutoring if you need any assistance and guidance with your photography practice. These sessions are bespoke to meet your specific needs and requirements. This could be, for example, portfolio development, advice on a specific shoot you may have, or helping with photographic technical challenges. Before a session, you will be asked to fill out a short questionnaire giving details of what you would like to be covered. These sessions will be delivered using Zoom.

Please email Neil for further with any questions you may have: