Neil A White is a British photographic artist based in London, UK. 

His interest in photography began in his early twenties while working and traveling in Australasia and Asia.  Perhaps the roots of this interest though go back even further than that. As a child, Neil's parents would give him their Kodak Instamatic to take family portraits because they believed he always took the best pictures. Neil never liked posed shots or unnatural smiles when his parents indicated they were ready to be photographed he had already taken the picture.

Growing up in the north of England, Neil would escape to the countryside whenever he could. This fascination with the natural world and contrasting environments is at the heart of his photography and an infinite source of inspiration. His work explores the relationship between nature and the modern world, and how they co-exist, sometimes harmoniously, more often in conflict with one another. He sees this conflict as one of the key dilemmas of modern-day existence.

When taking pictures of landscapes and the natural world, he tries to connect with the land, feel the air, the light and bring those feelings into his photographs. Neil’s work tends to be reflective and is often quiet and deeply personal. The relationship humans have with the natural world is of great interest to Neil and this is a common thread that runs through much of his work.

When he is not photographing, Neil still takes every opportunity to escape into the nature. He is also interested in current affairs and environmental issues and is committed to promoting practical solutions to ecological challenges.

In 2006 he received an MA in Photojournalism and Documentary Photography from the University of the Arts in London, adding to his BSc in Engineering Management. His work has been exhibited and published in the UK and internationally. 

Neil is a senior lecturer in photography working in higher education.